Kalamazoo & Grand Rapids Assault with a Deadly Weapon Attorney
If you are facing charges of assault with a dangerous weapon, it is in your best interest to have an experienced assault with a deadly weapon lawyer on your side in Kalamazoo & Grand Rapids, MI. If convicted, you could be sentenced up to four years in prison and face a lifetime of complications from having a violent criminal charge on your record.
At Willis Law, we provide a strong defense against felony assault charges. We understand that good people can find themselves in bad situations and work hard to minimize the potential damage our clients are exposed to. We pursue all available options for keeping you out of prison and keeping your record clean.
The time to act is now to protect your rights. Before speaking with the police, call us toll free at (888) 461-7744 for a free initial consultation with an attorney for assault with a deadly weapon in Kalamazoo & Grand Rapids, MI.
What Is Assault With a Dangerous Weapon in MI?
Assault with a dangerous weapon is a felony charge involving someone making a threat while using a weapon such as a gun, knife or any other object that could be used to inflict physical harm. Physical harm does not have to take place in order for someone to be charged with this crime, as long as the other person believed he or she was in imminent danger of being harmed.
For example, someone who throws a beer bottle at someone in a bar or swings a pull cue at someone can be charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. Pulling out any threatening weapon, no matter how unconventional, could result in charges that expose you to harsh criminal penalties and a lifetime of collateral consequences.
Experienced Kalamazoo, Paw Paw and Grand Rapids Defense Lawyers
To make sure your rights, your job and your reputation are protected, you need an accomplished Kalamazoo & Grand Rapids assault with a deadly weapon attorney on your side. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.
Meet Your Legal Team
Helping You Achieve the Best Possible Outcome
Michael Willis J.D., C.P.A. Director and Co-Founder
Shaun Willis J.D. Director and Co-Founder
Frank Willis J.D. Chief Senior Counsel
Donald Smith, J.D. Attorney/Partner
Mariko Willis, J.D. Of Counsel Attorney
Samuel Gilbertson J.D. Managing Partner
Davis Martin, J.D. Counsel
Paul Morgan, J.D. Senior Counsel Attorney
Chico Obande J.D. Attorney
Jennifer Grahek, J.D. Attorney
Aric Kasel, J.D. Attorney
Cody Hayward, J.D. Attorney
Austin Beaudet Attorney
Adam Bancroft, J.D. Counsel
Verelle Kirkwood J.D. Of Counsel Attorney
Kristyn Meulenberg J.D. Of Counsel Attorney
Nicholas Vogelzang Of Counsel Asbestos Litigation Attorney
Larry Henneman Of Counsel Attorney
Wally Ferrara Operations Manager
Michele Guyman Paralegal
Clare Zemlick Legal Assistant
Brian Thompson Paralegal
Angela Doster
Patty Stickels Legal Assistant
Kay Davidson Legal Assistant
Savannah Thompson Legal Assistant
Justin Bohnett Paralegal
Robert Wilson Chief Financial Officer
Mark Zigterman Accountant
Margarita Jensen Intake Coordinator
Patrick Willis Courier
Andrew Rann Courier
Rylan Smith Courier
Chris Willis Courier
Christian Willis Courier
Z DZac DeVries Legal Intern