Resisting Arrest with Assault & Battery on Kalamazoo Police
Even when you are being arrested for something you did not do or the arrest itself is unlawful, it is not in your best interest to resist arrest or to lash out physically at a police officer. This can result in serious charges such as resisting arrest, obstruction, or assault and battery on law enforcement.
At Willis Law, we understand that these cases are usually the result of a misunderstanding and strive to resolve these cases discreetly in order to protect the reputations of our clients. If a situation got out of hand or was escalated by officers, and you face criminal charges, you can rely on us to be your strongest advocates.
Before speaking further with the police or taking other action, you need to speak with a Kalamazoo criminal defense attorney about your rights. Call us toll free at (888) 461-7744 for a free initial consultation.
Criminal Penalties for Assault & Battery on Police
Resisting or Obstructing Arrest: This is a felony charge that, upon conviction, can result in a possible sentence of up to two years in prison and a fine of $2,000. Even if there is no legal, underlying reason for you to be arrested and the arrest would be unlawful, you can still face serious charges and criminal consequences.
Assault and Battery on Law Enforcement: This is a charge that can have long-lasting consequences if convicted. If an assault on a police officer or other law enforcement agent results in a serious injury, penalties can be as severe as 15 years in prison.
Beyond the initial consequences of jail or prison time and fines, there are future consequences such as probation. Not to mention the legal costs associated with defending against the charges and then going through the probation process. The best way to avoid all of these consequences, including collateral consequences to your professional life, is to have your defense handled correctly by our experienced lawyers.
To learn more about how our experienced defense lawyers can help you, contact us today for a free initial consultation. We have office locations in Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids and Paw Paw.
Meet Your Legal Team
Helping You Achieve the Best Possible Outcome
Michael Willis J.D., C.P.A. Director and Co-Founder
Shaun Willis J.D. Director and Co-Founder
Frank Willis J.D. Chief Senior Counsel
Donald Smith, J.D. Attorney/Partner
Mariko Willis, J.D. Of Counsel Attorney
Samuel Gilbertson J.D. Managing Partner
Davis Martin, J.D. Counsel
Paul Morgan, J.D. Senior Counsel Attorney
Chico Obande J.D. Attorney
Jennifer Grahek, J.D. Attorney
Aric Kasel, J.D. Attorney
Cody Hayward, J.D. Attorney
Austin Beaudet Attorney
Adam Bancroft, J.D. Counsel
Verelle Kirkwood J.D. Of Counsel Attorney
Kristyn Meulenberg J.D. Of Counsel Attorney
Nicholas Vogelzang Of Counsel Asbestos Litigation Attorney
Larry Henneman Of Counsel Attorney
Wally Ferrara Operations Manager
Michele Guyman Paralegal
Clare Zemlick Legal Assistant
Brian Thompson Paralegal
Angela Doster
Patty Stickels Legal Assistant
Kay Davidson Legal Assistant
Savannah Thompson Legal Assistant
Justin Bohnett Paralegal
Robert Wilson Chief Financial Officer
Mark Zigterman Accountant
Margarita Jensen Intake Coordinator
Patrick Willis Courier
Andrew Rann Courier
Rylan Smith Courier
Chris Willis Courier
Christian Willis Courier
Z DZac DeVries Legal Intern