Kalamazoo & Grand Rapids Drug Manufacturing Lawyer
Defense for Drug Manufacturing Charges in MI
Drug manufacturing charges arise from a person allegedly cultivating, growing or producing an illegal substance. Individuals might find themselves facing drug manufacturing charges if they are in possession of equipment used to cultivate a drug or if they are involved in any stage of the production process.
These charges are very serious and carry penalties that can affect a person's life well into the future. It is important to realize that you do not have to fight these charges alone. The experienced attorneys at Willis Law, located in Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids and Paw Paw, are ready to mount a strong defense on your behalf.
Please schedule a free initial consultation with our team today if you are facing drug manufacturing charges in Michigan. You may call our firm toll free at (888) 461-7744, or you may contact our criminal defense office online.
Court-Imposed Penalties and Other 'Hidden' Penalties
A person charged with drug manufacturing will likely face felony charges that could result in a lengthy prison sentence, significant fines and more, if convicted. The collateral, or "hidden" penalties, however, might be worse. A criminal record for a drug manufacturing conviction could prevent a person from securing housing and employment, as well as affect their personal and professional relationships.
Our attorneys have significant experience fighting back against a wide range of drug-related offenses. We will thoroughly investigate your case whether you were found with production equipment, possessing marijuana seeds or transporting illegal narcotics throughout Michigan. We believe everyone deserves to have a strong defense team on his or her side to protect his or her rights and to help obtain the best outcome possible.
Call Today if Facing Meth, Cocaine, Marijuana or Heroin Charges in MI
Please schedule a free consultation today to learn more about our defense services and how we can help. The sooner we hear your story, the sooner we can begin preparing a personalized defense strategy to fight back against your charges.
You may call our office toll free at F:P:Site:Phone} or you may contact our drug manufacturing defense team online.
Meet Your Legal Team
Helping You Achieve the Best Possible Outcome
Michael Willis J.D., C.P.A. Director and Co-Founder
Shaun Willis J.D. Director and Co-Founder
Frank Willis J.D. Chief Senior Counsel
Donald Smith, J.D. Attorney/Partner
Mariko Willis, J.D. Of Counsel Attorney
Samuel Gilbertson J.D. Managing Partner
Davis Martin, J.D. Counsel
Paul Morgan, J.D. Senior Counsel Attorney
Chico Obande J.D. Attorney
Jennifer Grahek, J.D. Attorney
Aric Kasel, J.D. Attorney
Cody Hayward, J.D. Attorney
Austin Beaudet Attorney
Adam Bancroft, J.D. Counsel
Verelle Kirkwood J.D. Of Counsel Attorney
Kristyn Meulenberg J.D. Of Counsel Attorney
Nicholas Vogelzang Of Counsel Asbestos Litigation Attorney
Larry Henneman Of Counsel Attorney
Wally Ferrara Operations Manager
Michele Guyman Paralegal
Clare Zemlick Legal Assistant
Brian Thompson Paralegal
Angela Doster
Patty Stickels Legal Assistant
Kay Davidson Legal Assistant
Savannah Thompson Legal Assistant
Justin Bohnett Paralegal
Robert Wilson Chief Financial Officer
Mark Zigterman Accountant
Margarita Jensen Intake Coordinator
Patrick Willis Courier
Andrew Rann Courier
Rylan Smith Courier
Chris Willis Courier
Christian Willis Courier
Z DZac DeVries Legal Intern